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Binary Ninja Intermediate Language Series, Part 2: Medium Level IL

Binary Ninja Intermediate Language: Medium Level IL

The Medium Level Intermediate Language (MLIL) is the second major representation in the Binary Ninja Intermediate Language (BNIL) family of intermediate languages. Much like LLIL this representation is tree based and has many of the same instructions. This representation is distinct in a few key ways.

BNIL-MLIL Selected

  1. Registers have been translated to variables.
  2. The stack as a concept is not present.
  3. Variables have types associated with them.
  4. Call sites have their parameters inferred and associated with them.
  5. Data flow has been calculated and constants are propagated.
  6. Some dead code is eliminated (MLIL only, Mapped MLIL doesn't do this)

Purposes of MLIL

  • Simplified representation
  • Small discrete operations
  • Can be more accurate to binary representation than decompilation
  • Powerful Data flow (PossibleValueSet) APIs
  • Accurate (though verbose) variable identification

In the rest of this article we will explore the variable object, the type object, the confidence system, and finally the instruction set.

The Variable Object

First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about a MLIL variable. Continuing from our example above we can get a Variable object.

>>> inst.output
[<var int64_t rax>]
>>> var = inst.output[0]
>>> type(var)
<class 'binaryninja.function.Variable'>

Variables in MLIL have a very specific meaning, that is not completely obvious at first. They represent a single storage location within the scope of a single function. To those not well versed in program analysis, a storage location is where a value is located at a given point in time. In the process of compilation a compiler conducts a step called Register Allocation; this is the process of figuring out how to map the potentially infinite number of variables specified in the original source code to a finite set of registers. When there are more variables and intermediate values than registers available, the compiler spills them on to the stack. Thus a single high-level-language variable can be mapped across a number of storage locations. A variable can simultaneously be in multiple registers and on the stack at the same time. However, unlike high-level-language variables, MLIL variables represent one and only one storage location. Binary Ninja's High Level IL (HLIL) will be responsible for storing this mapping.

So let's look at the properties available on a Variable object.


The source_type represents the storage location type and can be one of the following :

enum VariableSourceType
>>> var.source_type
<VariableSourceType.RegisterVariableSourceType: 1>


The storage property changes meaning depending on the VariableSourceType. When a variable is of type RegisterVariableSourceType, its storage property represents the index into the register list for the given architecture. If the source_type is StackVariableSourceType, its storage property represents the stack offset of the variable.

>>> var
<var int64_t rax>
>>> var.source_type
<VariableSourceType.RegisterVariableSourceType: 1>
>>> bv.arch._regs_by_index[]
>>> var2
<var int64_t var_260>
>>> var2.source_type
<VariableSourceType.StackVariableSourceType: 0>
>>> hex(

Given the above information it might now be intuitive how variable names are constructed. First we determine the source_type of the variable. If it's a RegisterVariableSourceType we just use the register's name directly. If it’s a StackVariableSourceType then we use var_ + hex(-storage). Finally, we append a count each time that that storage location is reused.


The index is an identifier chosen to be unique across different analysis passes.


The type property returns the Type object associated with the variable:

>>> var.type
<type: int64_t, 0% confidence>

Type objects are described in detail in the next section.

The Type Object

Type objects are very similar to standard C types. A Type object's type can be determined through the object’s type_class property. Valid types are in the TypeClass enumeration:

enum TypeClass
    VoidTypeClass = 0,
    BoolTypeClass = 1,
    IntegerTypeClass = 2,
    FloatTypeClass = 3,
    StructureTypeClass = 4,
    EnumerationTypeClass = 5,
    PointerTypeClass = 6,
    ArrayTypeClass = 7,
    FunctionTypeClass = 8,
    VarArgsTypeClass = 9,
    ValueTypeClass = 10,
    NamedTypeReferenceClass = 11,
    WideCharTypeClass = 12

Type objects all contain a confidence property; this is currently only used for type inference, but can also be used by users implementing their own analyses. Below is a reference for each of the type objects and their unique properties.


A void object is one that nothing is known about. For instance if a reference is taken of a static memory address a variable will be created there with a void type as we know the address is used, but are unsure about what size is being accessed. The instruction that takes the address of the static memory address will be a void pointer.


A boolean type is an integer which has a value of False (0) or True (!0).


An integer type has a sign, a width (in bytes), and a display type. The display type determines how the integer should be displayed; the options are self explanatory:

enum IntegerDisplayType


The float type is a IEEE 754 variable precision type, and can represent floating point numbers up to 10 bytes in width. All floating point numbers are assumed to be signed.


The wide character holds a unicode character constant whose interpretation can change depending on the analysis.unicode group of settings.


A varargs type is used to indicate that a function is variadic and thus represents the set of additional parameters being passed to a given function.


A value type is simply a constant value. It is used mainly in demangling for types which only have a have a name or value.


The function type describes the return type, parameter list, and calling convention of a function, among many other properties.

  • can_return - boolean value indicating if the function can return
  • calling_convention - the calling convention this function uses
  • const - boolean value indicating if this a const function
  • has_variable_arguments - boolean value indicating if this function is variadic
  • parameters - contains a list of Type objects
  • platform - the Platform object associated with this function
  • return_value - the return type of this function
  • stack_adjustment - the size in bytes of the stack adjustment that this function makes


A pointer type simply describes a pointer and what it points to in the target/element_type property.


Array types function similarly to pointer types however the array type knows how large the object that it points to is:

  • target/element_type - the type of element this array is constructed of
  • count - the count of array elements
  • width - the size of the array (count * target.width)


Enumeration types function much the same way they do in C, providing a mapping between a name and corresponding constant. The object itself contains a members property and a list of EnumerationMember objects each containing a name and value.


Structure types are simple in principle but are complicated by the need for them to be referenced by a NamedTypeReference for them to be useful. Structures come in 3 different flavors: struct, class, and union. While the first two simply differ in name, in unions all members overlap. Structure objects contain a list of StructureMembers. StructureMember objects contain a name, offset, and type. Structures can be packed or aligned, accessible by the packed property.


NamedTypeReference types are symbolic references to other types. They function much like a C typedef (i.e. Name X corresponds to type Y). The NamedTypeReference has a type_class property describing what sort of type it is pointing at.

enum NamedTypeReferenceClass
    UnknownNamedTypeClass = 0,
    TypedefNamedTypeClass = 1,
    ClassNamedTypeClass = 2,
    StructNamedTypeClass = 3,
    UnionNamedTypeClass = 4,
    EnumNamedTypeClass = 5

Most of the above should be self-explanatory except for the UnknownNamedTypeClass which is used in the name demangler, as the mangler doesn't disambiguate between named Enumerations and named Structures. NamedTypeReference objects also have a UUID type_id.

The Instruction Set

The instruction set is made up of MediumLevelILInstruction objects. Let's start exploring by using the python console to poke around at some instructions. Open up a binary in Binary Ninja and retrieve an MLIL instruction:

>>> inst = current_mlil[8]
<il: rax = 0x402cb0("PORT")>
>>> type(inst)
<class 'binaryninja.mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction'>

current_mlil is mapped to whatever function is currently being viewed and is not generally available to those writing plugins, as your plugin could be headless. The bracket operators tell the API to get the MLIL instruction at index 8 for the current function.

There are a number of properties that can be queried on the MediumLevelILInstruction object, and the validity of these properties changes depending on what the current operation is. If we look at the operation of inst we can see it is a MLIL_CALL instruction.

>>> inst.operation
<MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_CALL: 51>

From the code in we can see that the MLIL_CALL operation has three properties in addition to the operations available to all MediumLevelILInstruction objects

MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_CALL: [("output", "var_list"), ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list")],

Thus we can query the call's output which is a list of variables:

>>> inst.output
[<var int64_t rax>]

The call's dest (destination expression) which in this case is a MLIL_CONST_PTR:

>>> inst.dest
<il: 0x402cb0>
>>> inst.dest.operation
<MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_CONST_PTR: 14>
>>> inst.dest.value
<const ptr 0x402cb0>
>>> hex(inst.dest.value.value)

The parameter list can be accessed through the params property:

>>> inst.params
[<il: "PORT">]
>>> inst.params[0]
<il: "PORT">
>>> type(inst.params[0])
<class 'binaryninja.mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction'>

Control Flow

  • MLIL_JUMP - Branch to the dest expression's address
  • MLIL_JUMP_TO - A jump table dispatch instruction. Uses the dest expression to calculate the MLIL instruction target targets to branch to
  • MLIL_CALL - Branch to the dest expression function, saving the return address, with the list of parameters params and returning the list of return values output
  • MLIL_CALL_UNTYPED - This is a call instruction where stack resolution could not be determined, and thus a list of parameters and return values do not exist
  • MLIL_CALL_OUTPUT - This expression holds a set of return values dest from a call
  • MLIL_CALL_PARAM - This expression holds the set of parameters src for a call instruction
  • MLIL_RET - Return to the calling function.
  • MLIL_RET_HINT - Indirect jump to dest expression (only used in internal analysis passes.)
  • MLIL_NORET - This instruction will never be executed, the instruction before it is a call that doesn't return
  • MLIL_IF - Branch to the true/false MLIL instruction identifier depending on the result of the condition expression
  • MLIL_GOTO - Branch to the dest expression id
  • MLIL_TAILCALL - This instruction calls the expression dest using params as input and output for return values
  • MLIL_TAILCALL_UNTYPED - A tailcall where the stack stack resolution could not be determined and thus a list of parameters and return values do not exist
  • MLIL_SYSCALL - Make a system/service call with parameters params and output output
  • MLIL_SYSCALL_UNTYPED - Makes a system/service call, but an exact set of parameters couldn't be determined.

Variable Reads and Writes

  • MLIL_SET_VAR - Sets a variable dest to the result of an expression src
  • MLIL_SET_VAR_ALIASED - Sets a variable prev to the result of an expression src with the additional information that other variables point to the same variable destination
  • MLIL_SET_VAR_ALIASED_FIELD - Sets a field at an offset of the variable prev with the expression src with the additional information that the variable is alised by other variables
  • MLIL_SET_VAR_FIELD - Sets variable dest at offset to the src expression
  • MLIL_SET_VAR_SPLIT - Sets a pair of variables high:low to the result of the src expression
  • MLIL_LOAD - Read size bytes from the memory address src
  • MLIL_LOAD_STRUCT - Read from the struct offset at src + offset
  • MLIL_STORE - Stores size bytes into dest from src
  • MLIL_STORE_STRUCT - Stores size bytes into struct offset dest + offset from src
  • MLIL_VAR - A variable expression src
  • MLIL_VAR_ALIASED - A variable expression src that is known to have other variables pointing to the same destination
  • MLIL_VAR_FIELD - A variable and offset expression src, offset
  • MLIL_VAR_SPLIT - A split pair of variables high:low which can be used a single expression
  • MLIL_VAR_PHI - A PHI represents the combination of several prior versions of a variable when differnet basic blocks coalesce into a single destination and it's unknown which path was taken.
  • MLIL_MEM_PHI - A memory PHI represents memory modifications that could have occured down different source basic blocks similar to a VAR_PHI.
  • MLIL_ADDRESS_OF - The address of variable src
  • MLIL_ADDRESS_OF_FIELD - The address and offset of the variable src
  • MLIL_CONST - A constant integral value constant
  • MLIL_CONST_DATA - A constant data reference constant data reference
  • MLIL_CONST_PTR - A constant integral value which is used as a pointer constant
  • MLIL_EXTERN_PTR - A symbolic pointer constant + offset to a symbol that exists outside the binary
  • MLIL_FLOAT_CONST - A floating point constant constant
  • MLIL_IMPORT - A constant integral value representing an imported address
  • MLIL_LOW_PART - size bytes from the low end of src expression

Arithmetic Operations

  • MLIL_ADD - Adds left expression to right expression
  • MLIL_ADC - Adds with carry the left expression to the right expression with carry from the carry expression
  • MLIL_SUB - Subtracts the right expression from the left expression
  • MLIL_SBB - Subtraction with borrow the right expression from the left expression with carry from the carry expression
  • MLIL_AND - Bitwise AND left expression with the right expression
  • MLIL_OR - Bitwise OR left expression with the right expression
  • MLIL_XOR - Bitwise XOR left expression with the right expression
  • MLIL_LSL - Logical shift left the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_LSR - Logical shift right the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_ASR - Arithmetic shift right the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_ROL - Rotate left the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_RLC - Rotate left with carry the left expression and the carry expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_ROR - Rotate right the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_RRC - Rotate right with carry the left expression and the carry expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • MLIL_MUL - Single-precision multiply the left expression with the right expression
  • MLIL_MULU_DP - Double-precision unsigned multiply the left expression with the right expression, result expression is twice the size of the input expressions
  • MLIL_MULS_DP - Double-precision signed multiply the left expression with the right expression, result expression is twice the size of the input expressions
  • MLIL_DIVU - Unsigned single-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_DIVU_DP - Unsigned double-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_DIVS - Signed single-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_DIVS_DP - Signed double-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_MODU - Unsigned single-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_MODU_DP - Unsigned double-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_MODS - Signed single-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_MODS_DP - Signed double-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • MLIL_NEG - Sign inversion of src expression
  • MLIL_NOT - Bitwise inversion of src expression
  • MLIL_FADD - IEEE754 floating point addition of left expression with right expression
  • MLIL_FSUB - IEEE754 floating point subtraction of left expression with right expression
  • MLIL_FMUL - IEEE754 floating point multiplication of left expression with right expression
  • MLIL_FDIV - IEEE754 floating point division of left expression with right expression
  • MLIL_FSQRT - IEEE754 floating point square root of left expression with right expression
  • MLIL_FNEG - IEEE754 floating point sign negation of src expression
  • MLIL_FABS - IEEE754 floating point absolute value of src expression
  • MLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT - IEEE754 floating point to integer conversion of src expression
  • MLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT - Integer to IEEE754 floating point conversion of src expression
  • MLIL_FLOAT_CONV - Convert bytes in src expression to IEEE754 floating point
  • MLIL_ROUND_TO_INT - Rounds the IEEE754 floating point number src expression
  • MLIL_FLOOR - Computes the floating point floor of the IEEE754 number in src
  • MLIL_CEIL - Computes the floating point floor of the IEEE754 number in src
  • MLIL_FTRUNC - Computes the floating point truncation of the IEEE754 number in src
  • MLIL_SX - Sign extends the src expression
  • MLIL_ZX - Zero extends the src expression
  • MLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW - Calculates overflow of the addition of left expression with right expression
  • MLIL_BOOL_TO_INT - Converts a bool src to an integer

Comparison Instructions

  • MLIL_CMP_E - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is equal to right
  • MLIL_CMP_NE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is not equal to right
  • MLIL_CMP_SLT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed less than right
  • MLIL_CMP_ULT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned less than right
  • MLIL_CMP_SLE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed less than or equal to right
  • MLIL_CMP_ULE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned less than or equal to right
  • MLIL_CMP_SGE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed greater than or equal to right
  • MLIL_CMP_UGE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned greater than or equal to right
  • MLIL_CMP_SGT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed greater than right
  • MLIL_CMP_UGT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned greater than right
  • MLIL_TEST_BIT - Test if bit right in expression left is set
  • MLIL_FCMP_E - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is equal to right
  • MLIL_FCMP_NE - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is not equal to right
  • MLIL_FCMP_LT - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is less than right
  • MLIL_FCMP_LE - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is less than or equal to right
  • MLIL_FCMP_GE - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is greater than or equal to right
  • MLIL_FCMP_GT - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is greater than right
  • MLIL_FCMP_O - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if both left and right expressions are ordered (not NaN)
  • MLIL_FCMP_UO - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if either left or right expression is unordered (NaN)

Miscellaneous Instructions

  • MLIL_NOP - No operation
  • MLIL_BP - Breakpoint instruction
  • MLIL_TRAP - Interrupt/trap instruction with vector expression
  • MLIL_INTRINSIC - Intrinsic instruction defined by the architecture
  • MLIL_FREE_VAR_SLOT - Free the dest expression from the register stack
  • MLIL_UNDEF - The expression performs undefined behavior
  • MLIL_UNIMPL - The expression is not implemented
  • MLIL_UNIMPL_MEM - The expression is not implemented but does access src memory